CV-19 Resources & Info for Local 800 Members

Note added April 2, 2020: As we all know, the spread of the coronavirus has been rapid, and while it felt like we were in the midst of the pandemic when we sent out our first COVID19-related eblast two weeks ago, on March 19 -- much has developed since. (And more will have developed, by whenever you are reading this.)
Nonetheless, the resources in the March 19 eblast, below, remain pertinent. In addition, you can consult the COVID-19/ Keeping Los Angeles Safe page from the City of Los Angeles and theCalifornia Department of Public Health COVID-19 Updates page.These will have the latest news. The Los Angeles County Dept. of Mental Health has a page devoted to COVID-19 Mental Health Resources.
For information on sick leave, family medical leave, and unemployment insurance, consult our pages on the Emergency Paid Sick Leave Act and the Emergency Family and Medical Leave Expansion Actand theCoronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act.
March 19, 2020
Dear Local 800 members,
We hope you and your loved ones are well during this health crisis and able to cope with any disruptions in your work schedule. Local 800 represents members in nine different social service agencies and institutions in the greater Los Angeles area, and some of us are working our regular schedules (including remote work), while others work for agencies that have shuttered their doors. Special thanks to so many of you who are on the front lines continuing to provide services for seniors and Holocaust survivors and county welfare participants, caring for victims of domestic violence, creating on-line learning opportunities for preschool children, preparing and delivering food for those in need, and so much more!
Our union contracts guarantee that any layoffs must be done by seniority as per the seniority and layoff provisions of our Collective Bargaining Agreements. Some of our CBA’s also cover hours reductions or furloughs. The Local 800 CBA’s also provide for sick leave, personal leave, and vacation benefits. (See your contract, available here on ourwebsite.) In addition:
- If you have been laid off temporarily due to the current crisis, you are eligible for Unemployment Insurance and should file immediately, if you have not already. If you need to stay home to care for a child who is not in school, you may also be eligible for Unemployment benefits. See the State of California's COVID-19 pageand also its COVID-19 FAQs page, for information on Unemployment Insurance Benefits and also Disability and Paid Family Leave Benefits, and related questions. See here for how to file for unemployment.
- If you or a family member becomes sick with COVID-19 or need to self-quarantine or shelter-in place (including all employees over age 65) and you don't have adequate sick days banked, you may also be able to use the provisions in the yet-to-be-passed law that Congress is debating. AFSCME is researching this matter and will give more info when available. When this law is passed, if you have questions about the law and the use of your sick time, please contact us.
- Also, contact us if you have any reason to believe your Employer is showing favoritism in distributing reduced workloads, or if you have any health and safety concerns. Union reps and Shop Stewards have already been working to ensure that some facilities have enough basic supplies like hand sanitizers and wipes.
The following are some informational resources you may find helpful:
- AFSCME International -- many of whose members are currently on the front lines, working in such fields as emergency services, health care, and child care -- has a web page specifically on coronavirus facts, news, and resources.
- Here is an article from KTLA with links to many employment-related resources. Similarly, the Covid19 Los Angeles Community Resources page was created by concerned community members and has pertinent resources and information on everything from food banks to employment questions.
- Jewish Free Loan is offering loans to those impacted by the virus. See Interest Free Loans from the Jewish Free Loan Association
- Here is an article from the L.A. Times for those experiencing anxiety and depression in these times of the coronavirus pandemic.
We will stay in touch as we learn more about the protective laws being put in place.
Contact us by replying to this email, or directly contact our union professional rep Gary Guthman at or 213-248-0381.