Black Lives Matter

Black Lives Matter
Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.
We want all of our rights, we want them here, and we want them now.
— Martin Luther King Jr.
With millions of protesters around the world, the demand for justice has never been louder.
We stand in solidarity and mourn the loss of those killed due to systemic racism, including
George Floyd • Ahmaud Arbery • Breonna Taylor • Trayvon Martin • Tamir Rice •
Waskeisha Wilson • Michael Brown • Eric Garner • Philando Castile • David McAtee
Local 800 Executive Board
Charlie Orlowski, President
Richard Herlan, Vice President
Rickey Williams, Chief Shop Steward
Lilia Arbona, Corresponding Secretary
Ian Schiffer, Recording Secretary
Mark Machado, JFC Professional Rep
Iris Rodgers, Jewish Community Foundation Support Rep
Niki Cannon, JFS Support Rep
Alex Pagan-Mejia, JFS Support Rep
Georgino Ludwig, JVS GAIN Rep
Lisa Thomas, JVS GAIN Rep